Sunday, October 25, 2009


  I'm going to be moving my blog to wordpress.  I'm pretty much a techtard but I have lots of ideas; it'll take time to make them a reality.  In the meantime this blog will be inactive. XO Mo

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Morgan Ivercourt, originally uploaded by Zuzu Pelous.
My amazing, creative friend Zuzu took my face and created this stunning piece of art. This is out of character for my posts; there is not a Rag-A-Muffin Tail to be seen...unless you look closely. It is an amazing thing to have someone you care for tell you they thought hard about how to represent you and to find that they nailed it. I don't have any other words...she nailed it. <3!
View the origonal here: ZUZU  (it was cropped funny here)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

**New Store**New Release**

New Release, originally uploaded by Morgan Ivercourt.
The New Location of Rag-A-Muffin Tails is now open! In celebration I have made new releases and sales available in this location only!
**SIX** New Pairs of Rag-A-Muffin Ears
*The matching tails are 50% off for a limited time
**Just Released Today** The BluBird Tail and Ears; shades of deep blue mixed with black lace...Enjoy!